National Council on Privatisation

The National Council on Privatization (NCP) is a think tank sponsored by the Nigerian government to determine the political, economic and social objectives of the privatization and commercialization of Nigeria's public enterprises.

Major roads in Nigeria are posted with billboards sponsored by the National Council on Privatisation saying that " the people benefit as the nation privatises".[1]

In Great Britain, experience with the privatization of the British Railway is now generally acknowledged to be a miserable one. Very commonly avoidable disasters regularly occur; the new owners care less to maintain facilities required for adequate security against accidents, promptness of trains at the stations, among others.

In Nigeria, there have been some pockets of opposition to the on-going privatization process. Workers of some of the affected companies are rearing opposition to the privatization. This especially includes the NITEL and NEPA employees.


See also


  1. ^ Nigeria: the rich profit from Obasanjo's privatisation

Washington Times - NCP